Digital Society Minor programme
The Minor programme consists of two modules.
- Module 1: Interdisciplinary perspectives on the digital transformation of society
- Module 2: Theories and Case Studies
Module 1 (DSS 1) with 15 ECTS credits:
Interdisciplinary perspectives on the digital transformation of society
All lectures in Module 1 are mandatory and are offered every academic year.
The main objective of this module is to provide a conceptual and practical introduction to the digital society from an interdisciplinary perspective. It combines social sciences, history, and computer sciences so that students can understand the foundations of the digital society and its transformations. In addition, the module introduces digital research methods.
Social History of Computing and the Internet (L26.00211, 3 ECTS credits) General outline of technical innovations and their social impact. Usually given in the autumn semester, Timetable 2024
Foundations of Informatics (SDN.00002, 3 ECTS credits) Introduction to the fundamentals of informatics that enables students from diverse backgrounds to have a general understanding of programming, the function of algorithms and their application. Usually given in the autumn semester, Timetable 2024
Perspectives in the Social Studies of Technology (L26.00212, 3 ECTS credits) Introduction to the main theoretical and analytical perspectives and approaches in social studies of technology with special emphasis on their interdisciplinary dimensions. What are the main research programmes and domains of study? How have they evolved? Usually given in the spring semester, Timetable 2025
Digital Transformation in Society and Culture (L26.00213, 3 ECTS credits) Using a lecture series format, interdisciplinary introduction to diverse issues and areas of research with an emphasis on longitudinal and comparative perspectives. What are the major contemporary challenges in terms of changes in the economy, work, politics, culture, sports, religion, and society as a whole? Who are the major players and their roles, what are the stakes? The lecture series is based on diverse contributors from Fribourg University and external experts. Usually given in the autumn semester, PDF of the 2024 programme Timetable 2024, PDF of the 2023 Programme
- Methods in studies of the digital society (L26.00214 3 ECTS credits) This seminar provides the students with an introduction to the methodological skills required to successfully engage with the programme and be adequately prepared for specific case studies in the module. Usually given in the autumn semester, which means it will be given twice in 2025, both in the spring semester of 2024/25 and in the autumn semester of 2025/26, Timetable 2025
Module 2 (DSS 2) with 15 ECTS credits
Theories and Case Studies
Module 2 offers a series of courses that allow students to explore specific topics, case studies and theories that correspond to current trends and public debates. These courses follow a flexible structure that is common in the social sciences and humanities. The courses offer a wide range of study topics to appeal to different student groups and interests. More importantly, given the rapid development of digital technologies, the aim is to keep the courses open and flexible. For this reason, the courses in Module 1 are fixed and offered every year while the courses in Module 2 alternate to always allow room for new study topics.
The objective of Module 2 is to allow the students to deepen their knowledge of certain theories, case studies and issues related to the digital society using empirical research methods. The module focuses on the macro level (society), the meso level (institutions) and how these influence the micro level of digital practices. Some courses focus on the transformation of the society from a longitudinal perspective and how this affects and is driven by different social groups and institutions. Further courses consider how individual practices are embedded in higher level contexts. Students are required to prepare a research paper on a specific issue that has been covered in one of the courses.
Lectures and seminars:
3 lectures or seminars focused on specific transformations/social groups or on specific theoretical approaches (3 x 3 ECTS credits).
These lectures and seminars may deal for example with digital law; the ethics of robotics and artificial intelligence; hacking and cybersecurity; digital infrastructures; democracy and digital media; digital religion; the digital divide and social participation; digital communication; surveillance, control, and censorship; computer games; ethnography of software engineers and hackers; education and digital inequality and so on.
New offer in the spring semester 2025: d3c1ph3r hacking (UE-L26.00281 3 ECTS credits; + potentially a seminar paper à 6 ECTS credits) h4ck3r5 (in leet speak) comes in many flavors: phreakers, crackers, black hats, white hats, open source wizards, corporate hackers, cypherpunks, script kiddies, hacktivists, advanced persistent threats, overclockers and a few more. At different times, hackers have either instilled fear and hostility or admiration and respect, and as such they have either been considered deviant and childish or wise and prescient, respectively. Given the different ways hackers are defined, this seminar aims to delve into the many activities hacking encompasses, in order to explore how hackers approach and interact with digital technology. From an anthropological perspective, we will debate whether or not hacking is a culture in and of itself and to what extent hackers have influenced the larger social context in which they are embedded. We will also explore how hackers as malevolent actors have reshaped crime and warfare. This exploration will set in motion multiple reflections on the vulnerabilities inherent to our modern and increasingly digitized societies. Given only in 2025 Timetable 2025
New offer, starting in 2024: Law and the digital society (L26.00282 3 ECTS credits) Legal systems must adapt to new challenges, such as protecting personal data, regulating government use of facial recognition, and promoting a sustainable digital economy. The law's role is to balance the benefits of technology with the need to protect individuals and society from potential harms. Usually given in the autumn semester, Timetable 2024
Full offer, updated every semester A list is provided for every semester. Please contact the study advisor to discuss your options. Possible courses and seminars SP-2025
Research paper
1 research paper related to a seminar (6 ECTS credits)
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Digital Society on social media

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